02 April 2007

Lovely weekend!

Well, we had a very nice and relaxing weekend. I think I already posted about Saturday. On Sunday, we slept in and then went to Mass, and came back here to spend the day. It was kind of rainy and yucky, so we stayed in to play games and clean house. It was nice. Andrew spent the entire day playing video games, and I took a bath and cleaned. I think I also promised Andrew a new video game just before Lucy is born, so that he has something to pull him through those first few long nights of cuddling and feeding her. He deserves one. I think he played every game he owns yesterday, and none of them were satisfying. :-)
We spent last night watching Ultimate Fighting Champion and playing with the dgital camera, learning how to upload videos. I am very excited about this. I am going to make a video of Lucy today. In fact, I can make videos of anything I want! I should make a video of the new house tomorrow. I am very excited.
Then we spent the rest of the night doing our Bradley exercises. Around 10:30, we had a big scary storm and it was too late to call our moms, so we turned up "Big Yellow Taxi" and snuggled until it went away. It seemed to work. The lightning was RIGHT on top of the house. Ugh. We both love storms, but it's not nice to watch the lightning hit the street.
Well, I just ate a LOT of oatmeal, so I am sitting here like a big rock. But I put extra cinnamon and sugar it in, so Lucy is going wild. I should have considered that. And my camera battery is dead, so I can't film it.
More later!

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