17 April 2007

No progress!

Well, we are back from our most recent doctor's appointment, and I'm stuffed full of French Toast and waiting for Andrew to get home from class.
The doctor says that there is no progress, which isn't surprising, but it looks like we're in for a nice long night of contractions, thanks to his "vigorous" exam. Ugh.
I dropped our papers off at the mortgage broker's office, and as it turns out, today was "Buy an ice water for a $1.77 and get a free dipped cone!" day at Dairy Queen. Well, that's what I told Andrew- he seemed doubtful. How was I supposed to know they'd be offering SUCH a deal?
I am spending tonight lying on the couch. I pulled a muscle and I am in pain. So there.
Andrew is presenting in class, and then he'll be home to rub my feet and love on me, I hope. I painted my toenails today. The nurse at Dr. H's was very impressed. Don't ask me how I did it. It was painful, but they'll be nice to look at while I'm in labor. Ok, well, I'm going to push Miss Lucy's hiney out of my ribs and try to do the dishes before Wheel of Fortune. I love Wheel- it helps me dream about the moment I'll become a squillionaire.
Whale-Girl, OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura~

If you need a tip on how to start labor, I seem to have gone into pre-term labor several times....

I was almost airlifted to Seattle with Maddy she wanted out so early!

But seriously, I do have a tip...let me know if you'd like to find out more.

Hang in there!

You sound like you are doing great!!! Won't be much longer.
