26 April 2007

I cannot go into labor today.

I have a busy four days ahead of me, and really need all the time I can get. Mose importantly, I need time for this leg to heal. There is no way I could push a baby out right now without doing some major damage. I re-pulled my groin muscle, and I'm barely limping. Unfortunately, I have to be at the inspection today, and I have to run a couple of errands that absolutely can't wait, so I only have til 1pm to rest. I also have an entire apartment that needs to be packed...I was up most of the night, trying to figure out how best to rest it, but I only ended up getting less sleep. This morning I'm on the couch with a heating pad. I had contractions all night off and on, and they were mighty painful, so I'm really hoping that Miss Lucy will take pity on her mama and give me a couple days to get this leg better. If she decided to come tonight, I'm not sure I could pull through. I think I'm going to stop by the doctor's office after the inspection and see what they recommend. Ugh. It's not even 7am and I have a billion things to do. I think I'm pretty well set up to work from the couch. Here's to hoping...


Anonymous said...

I hope the inspection goes well and your muscle feels better and all is well!! Good luck. I'll be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

hey, lady, if you need anything, call me, and i will drop everything...you're far more important than anything in my datebook!