29 April 2007

Domestic Royalty

Well, I am watching Shanghai Knights and Andrew is at the lab working on some homework. It's the LAST WEEK OF GRAD WORK!!! Wooooooooo!!! I am so excited about our summer off. I can't even contain myself.
Ok, now the real reason we're here. I just put my first Sour Cream Noodle Bake in the oven. The true test will be in the end result, but I have heard that a successful SCNB is the gateway from newlywed wife to domestic goddess. I am very pleased about this. I am going to split it up into containers and put them in the freezer for my best guy to take to lunch. I will not be posting the recipe, because I believe that this certain meal should be in my aresenal and not a public brouhaha. There are just some things smart women know, and knowing what not to share is imperative to success. Considering I overshare almost anything, I owe this to myself.
I am going to clean up the apartment, and then we are going to drive around to see some houses, and we will be going to the Lang Household for dinner!
Mass was very nice, but Father Ed spoke about the priest shortage, and quite honestly, Andrew and I have our work cut out for us. Lucy needs to get a move on so I can start growing some little boys for the cause! Fr. Ed is one of four priests that serve seven parishes, and he said that the average age of the Baltimore Archdiocese priest is 62. He also seemed concerned that upon his retirement, there will be no one to replace him on campus. I know a few young men who would be great priests, so I am going to start praying for them to listen, already! Andrew and I both considered the religious life, and I think we would both be drawn to it again, should we find ourselves partnerless later in life. Andrew would have been a wonderful priest, and I am pretty sure he may consider the deaconate in the years to come, like his papa is doing now. But, it looks like we both found our calling, and we are each so happy in our vocation as married people. Our marriage is the light of our lives, and making it a light for others is what we value most. Now that we are where we are, it's so easy to see that we've chosen the right path, the right partner and the right vocation. God is so good at leading us to our spots, isn't He?
Well, I need to go smell my food and have a bowl of cereal. I got my belly good during the Noodle Grab- Nina knows what I'm talking about- and now I'm avoiding the casserole until it's completely done. Thank the Lord for the Tide Pen!


Anonymous said...

Loved this entry.
And, guess what, I know about the noodle thing, too. And Nina taught me that! Mmmmm, makes me want to go right now and make a snack of those. And don't forget the garlic salt!
Laura, after you called this a.m. we decided what we were having for dinner. SCNB!
I found that recipe in ye old Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook in the 1970's sometime, the green one your Mom now has. I have a later issue now.
Anyway, Grandma Maggie gave me the cookbook way back when.
I started taking the casserole to pot lucks at Queen of Angels in the 70's and so did one other Q of A Mom. I couldn't believe she had the same recipe; how dare she! It was gobbled up fast and I always brought the dish home empty. (does that comment sound a bit like a Taste of Home recipe card, or what?)
So there's another history of a family recipe for you.
We hope you have had a nice day today.
We met our new friend at Church and she sat with us and then we all went to Coffee Hour. We introduced her to so many people, she will never remember their names!!
Well, I'm going to make some "afternoon coffee",put some Creme Brulee creamer in it, and go out and watch the birds at the bird feeder; one of the things I love about Spring.
'Bye, 'bye.
Loveth you, Grandma

Anonymous said...

oh, even I know about the noodle grab...what fun!

-the suz.