28 April 2007

Our Saturday

Well, Andrew and Suzzy just left to take Suzzy home after watching The Last King Of Scotland. Intense. But we had brownies, so all that genocide and anger was muted a bit.
I am just waiting for my honeybun to get home, and sitting here while Lucy finishes her Midnight Flop. It takes her a little while to settle down and get comfortable, and by the time she removes herself from my kidneys, I'm completely spent and can barely muster a goodnight.
We had a very nice day. We must have driven around for almost 8 hours, just yakking and looking at houses and things. It was a very nice day. We split a little sundae at Dairy Queen, played with the puppies at the pet store, wandered around Ollie's and bought some baby books, and had a nice dinner at D'Atri's. It was a very relaxing and fun day, just driving around.
Tomorrow we have NO PLANS. Andrew will be working on school, and I will be in the bathtub, trying to convince Lucy that a bathtub feels JUST like a uterus, and if she comes out, she can live in the tub.
Andrew is home! More tomorrow!

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