03 April 2007


I am about to make Snickerdoodles for my man, but wanted to post a little tiny bit.
I took a nap. This baby sucks so much of my energy! I am sleeping about 10 out of 24 hours these days. I feel like a little kid, needing my afternoon naps, but it's the only way I can stay up past 9pm! And I'd rather have my evenings with my honey. I miss him today. That's what happens when we spend all weekend doing nothing playing around. The beginning of the new week is always harder to start! :-)
Well, I'm off to clean up and bake a little something for Andrew. The oatmeal cookies are gone, and I need to stir something! Maybe I'll send Andrew over to Mike's with some cookies after class tonight. Or maybe down to the Ketterman's. We don't need all those cookies lying around, but every boy should have fresh cookies with his ham sandwich. It's one of the small luxuries of having a stay-at-home wife.

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