27 January 2009

36 Week Progress!

I went in for an appointment today, amid the big snow. I had my Group B swab and my midwife asked if I wanted an internal exam. I said, "Well, I'm already half-naked, so...."

She said my cervix is nice and soft, I'm 50% effaced and I'm "funneling." I think that means I'm starting to dilate. I don't know. Progress terms are confusing to me because I've never used them before. I came home and had to ask what effacement was.

So, we're all snowed in today so I have lots of things planned for Lucy. We're going to dye pasta and make necklaces and pictures, and I bought Cheerios to make edible necklaces. Oh, it's going to be a day. Lucy's outside shoveling with Grandma, so I'm going to make some mac-n-cheese before she comes in hungry!

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

50% effaced- EXCELLENT! You'll be like me and be 80% effaced in a couple weeks and then hopefully dilated more and ready to go! SO EXCITED!!!