16 January 2009

Day Ruiner

Whew, this place is just rocking today. Lucy woke up at 4:45, but since I was up all night with the worst heartburn ever, I didn't really care. I brought her to bed with us until a more decent hour. I dreamed that Andrew told me I needed mental help for being a psycho pregnant woman and I flipped out on him in the middle of Lowes. I kicked Andrew out of bed at 6 to hang out with Lucy and I guess Karma got me for that one because I woke up 30 minutes later with a nosebleed. Awesome!
At breakfast Lucy had Apple Jacks. She refuses to eat the orange ones, so those are all on the floor waiting for Maple to come up for a snack. Oh, and our hot water pipe in the kitchen is frozen. Yay. 

But, I had a huge moment of maternal pride this morning, so it's all just fine. Cutest thing ever.
I was in the kitchen ad lucy was in the living room playing with her snow boots. They just fasten with two straps of velcro on each foot. I came out into the living room and she had this astonished look on her face. She had managed to put the right boot on the right foot and velcroed it. She screamed, "I DID IT!" with this huge smile. So cute I teared up a little. Of course, that could also be the heartburn...sigh. 

Well, we're stranded in the house again today. It's -6 but it feels like -18, so I can't take Lucy out in this. Say a few prayers. I might actually have to call the funny farm today.

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