14 January 2009


When I got home yesterday, Andrew said the nicest thing to me. He said, "I had all these plans to do a bunch of housework and get a lot of stuff done, but Lucy didn't let me do a thing all day!" 
Ahhh....apply peaceful smile HERE. Now, I know just what he means, but Lucy and I have worked out a bit of a system so I do get a few things done. But it was nice to hear it from someone else in my own house. 
Usually I do a speed clean right when Lucy is waking up to Playhouse Disney, because she won't ask me to "help" wth anything. When she eats breakfast, I do dishes and wolf down my own breakfast. Then we do a bath and the Naked Lap and get dressed for the day. I can usually make the bed in our room while Lucy screams through the house in her birthday suit. I just have to make the most of every minute she's distracted. That's what makes my day so tiring. So it was nice to hear that those days I don't get anything done are well understood. 

Today Lucy and I have Toddler Time and then a quiet day of cleaning up the house and relaxing. She had a very busy day with Daddy yesterday, so she probably has some recuperating to do. 
I'm going to spend this afternoon working on a few lists of things I need to do to get ready for Phoebe and making some affirmation cards to settle my head a little. I used them with Lucy and I was just full of peace. Even if I end up with a c-section I'd like these last few weeks to be full of strength and peace. 

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