22 January 2009

My nose is burning.

I have approximately 72 seconds before Lucy realizes I'm not glued to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with her.

My nose hurts. Stupid mountain air. We've had enough nosebleeds in this family lately to convince me there's something Erin Brokovich-y going on...hm.

Today my only real goal is to drink 128 ounces of water. I was up for 3 bathroom trips and 3 doses of Tums last night, whereupon I found my wedding ring screaming at me for not removing it sooner. Interestingly enough, my hands look just fine this morning, so I'll be keeping an eye on that. In the meantime, lots of water.

We have friends coming over this morning to play, and then we're going to lunch, a nap and a trip to the mall. I think we'll kill some time there before our meeting with the tax man. I feel so smart getting this done before Ethel's arrival. Who wouldn't want to be married to this?

I felt great all day yesterday, probably due to my 2-hour nap with Lucy...love that kid. Hopefully today will go the same way, because tonight is Grey's Anatomy and our first night of "Operation Snuggle Overload," a plan devised to help me become totally sick of my husband by Sunday. I doubt it'll work. :-(

Well, Lucy has been more than generous with her time and still hasn't realized I'm gone, so I'm sure this is going to bite me threefold within the hour. Toddlers are never generous and Andrew gave her a very heavy pair of binoculars to play with, so I'm assuming she'll pay me back with a blow to the head or something like that.

3 days until Operation Ethel Watch!

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